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CDHA’s board representation is reflective of the industry’s top leaders who serve to advance the art and science of dental hygiene. The CDHA Board of Trustees (BOT) is comprised of a diverse group of individuals whose collective industry knowledge, experience, and vision are focused on the long-term health and sustainability of our industry and all the members we serve.
CDHA’s leadershipship structure consists of an Executive Committee comprised of the positions of President, President Elect, Immediate Past President, Secretary/Treasurer, VP of Membership & Professional Development, and the VP of Administration & Public Relations. These positions are filled through an election by members of the House of Delegates during its annual session.
Councils are created by the BOT to fulfill various governance functions. They are chaired by volunteer leaders appointed by the President based on recommendations from the Nominating Committee and subject to the approval of the board.
CDHA members may access the complete rosters via links below:
Executive Committee & Board of Trustees
Administrative Council
Alternative Practice Council
Finance Advisory Committee
Government Relations Council
Membership Council
Public Relations Council
Public Health Council
Professional Development Council
Student Relations Council