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Become a Member

Invest in your future. Join CDHA today. 

Learn more about CDHA's membership types to select the appropriate one for you. Please note that there is certain criteria to be eligible for each membership type. If you have any questions, please contact  or call 916-993-9102.


Please enter the information requested below to become a member today.
All fields marked * are required.
Please enter all dates using the format mm/dd/yyyy.

Pursuant to Federal Law, we must notify you that 30% of your dues are for lobbying expenses and are not tax deductible. The remainders of CDHA dues are not tax deductible as charitable contribution for Federal tax purposes, but may be deductible as a business expense. 
CDHA does not sell, distribute or otherwise share its membership list except in the case of the following exceptions: Corporate sponsors receive limited member information for the purposes of direct promotion of a product, service or member benefit approved by CDHA. Event sponsors and exhibitors receive member contact information but are limited to only those members who register and attend the event.

Corporate Sponsor (singular)
Dental Post sm
California Casualty
Proclaim Health