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Student Poster Competition

2025 CDHA Student Poster Competition

The annual CDHA Student Poster Competition offers dental hygiene students an exciting and creative platform to showcase their research, innovative ideas, and unique talents. This engaging competition provides students with the opportunity to present research and information that holds significance for the profession, benefiting both patients and the future of dental hygiene.

The 2025 Student Poster Session will maintain its hybrid format. Participants are required to submit a video presentation of either an Informational or Original Research poster for the initial judging phase. The top five scoring posters/presenters will advance to the Live Question and Answer Judging Session on May 16, 2025, taking place at the Sheraton Park Hotel in Anaheim, CA (in person or via ZOOM).

Poster Session Competition Presentation Details

The 2025 CDHA Spring Scientific Session will feature all submitted posters, providing students with the opportunity to present their topics to the attendees. CDHA will print all posters for display. Winners will be announced at the conclusion of the CDHA Spring Scientific Session. The top 5 posters in each category will be highlighted at CDA Presents on May 17, 2025. Registration is complementary and CDHA strongly urges these poster teams to attend the CDA (includes award ceremony).


Senior student members of CDHA are eligible for participation and must complete registration by April 1st. All submitted posters will be featured during the CDHA Spring Scientific Session; entry includes event registration, poster printing, and display. Teams need only one registration, with the registering member serving as the main correspondent and receiving confirmation via email with specific submission/event details.

The poster session is judged in collaboration with the California Dental Association (CDA), and supported by the CDHA Foundation, monetary awards for the top three scoring posters in each category will be announced at the conclusion of the 2025 CDHA Spring Scientific Session.


As a reminder, each team registration includes in-person attendance for (2) two team members. Additional team members attending in person are an additional $50 per person.

NOTE! Please only allow 4 team members to register per poster.

The deadline to enter your team is April 1, 2025.
Once registration is confirmed you must submit the required poster elements no later than April 5, 2025.

Mary Fadhl Research Grant

The CDHA Foundation is pleased to announce the Mary Fadhl Research Grant, this travel grant is available to poster teams to defray costs of attending the poster session in person. Details and application can be found at here.

CDHA Student Poster Competition and Mary Fadhl Scholarship

Join us on February 18, 2025, for an exclusive webinar on the 2025 CDHA Student Poster Competition! Connect with past winners and gain valuable insights to enhance your submission. Attend via ZOOM to receive detailed submission guidelines, expert tips, and inspiration from previous winners as they share their experiences and advice. Click here for more information and to register!

Poster Session Awards!*

1st place in both categories: $1,250
2nd place in both categories prize: $750
3rd place in both categories prize: $450

*Awards will be issued after May 16, 2025 from both CDHA and CDA! Recipients will receive a total of two (2) checks, one from CDHA and one from CDA.



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