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The Student House of Representatives (SHOR) is an awesome experience for every student to start their professional networking process and learn how CDHA conducts its annual business, which shapes the future of their profession. SHOR allows for students to attend more facets of CDHA's House of Delegates (HOD) and gain a more profound experience.
SHOR will be an introduction to CDHA’s yearly state meeting, the House of Delegates (HOD). We will break down the process and importance of how we conduct business and work together to improve the dental hygiene profession.
SHOR takes place prior to HOD either virtually or in-person. There is a separate registration for SHOR and HOD. Students who attend SHOR are highly encouraged to attend the in-person HOD. Each California dental hygiene program will elect one student to be their CDHA Sponsored Student Delegate at HOD. Please reach out to your local Component to register for HOD. If that student is interested in being one of the two voting students at HOD, they will need to attend the Virtual SHOR event.
SHOR and HOD is an awesome experience for every student to start their professional networking process and learn how CDHA conducts its annual business, which shapes the future of their profession!
More information will be provided as it becomes available.
If you have any questions, please contact Rachel Gonsalves, Student Relations Council at