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View the statement from CDHA President regarding the Public Health Officers Order on July 26, 2021.

For up-to-date information on COVID-19 protocols in the State of California, visit their COVID-19 site.

The State of California has detailed information about California’s vaccine program on their website

COVID-19 vaccines are meant to prevent you from getting COVID-19 and from spreading the virus to others. The ability of COVID-19 vaccines to protect us from transmitting it to others is constantly changing due to the new Delta variant.

CDHA encourages you to continue to take all infection control precautions as recommended by state and national public health agencies regardless if you have been vaccinated. 

For Additional Information

List of California Counties' Public Health Departments

California Department of Public Health's COVID-19 Resources

California's Vaccinate All 58 Campaign

California Dental Association's COVID-19 Resources

Vaccine Administration by RDHs

In mid-February, the Department of Consumer Affairs approved the waiver allowing RDHs to administer the COVID vaccine. You can view the waiver here.

The waiver specifically outlines the requirements for RDHs who wish to become part of the vaccination work force.  CDHA has contacted the Department of for further information as it pertains to the required six-hour course. CDHA partnered with the California Pharmacists Association to offer a course during summer 2021.

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