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In 2024, CDHA hosted the Student Poster Viewing and Presentation: Enhancing Clinical Practices on May 17 at the Anaheim Marriott. In each category, the first 15 completed and approved applications were judged during a live hybrid presentation.
"My Neck, My Back, I’m About to Crack" Presented By: Mckenzie Hidalgo and April Nuno Cerritos College
“Breaking the Silence: Research Insights on Dental Bullying Among Adolescents” Presented By: Van Duong, Michelle Leiva, and Pedro Pena Menjivar West Los Angeles College
“Laser Therapy for Nicotine Cessation” Presented By: Lisa Huitron and Abigail Martinez West Los Angeles College Sacramento
“Effects of a Novel Remedy to Suppress Patients’ Pharyngeal Reflex” Presented By: Katie Cameron, Isabella Turner, and Reyna Vasquez West Coast University
“Navigating the Waters: Decoding Bottled Water pH and Oral Health” Presented By: Angela Pacheco and Daseul Kim West Los Angeles College
“Effectiveness of Herbal-Mouthrinse in Inhibiting Oral Bacteria: An In-Vitro Study” Presented By: Karla Gomez, Lindsey Quartuccio, Clarice Aghajanian, Sohee Chung, and Stephanie Alameddine Loma Linda University